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Ouro Verde Newsletter

Writer's picture: AgricaneAgricane

Ecoenergia de Moçambique Lda owns and manages the Ouro Verde Project (OV), a Farming and Processing Company that produces delicious, wholesome natural organic whole cane sugar, cashews and other organically certified food products. A partnership for production is in place with a local farmer cooperative, COOPCANA.

Agricane own 30% of the share value of EcoEnergia.

The Ouro Verde Project comprises a 1,000 ha farm in Cabo Delgado, Chiúre situated 180km South of Pemba port and 220 km from the Nacala port, just off the N106 to Nampula.

The farm has the following infrastructure:

  • 130 ha state of the art irrigation. (Centre Pivots), 35 ha of sprinkler irrigation

  • 130 ha of sugarcane, 1 ha of aloe vera barbadensis and moringa.

  • Cashew tree clusters with 7,000 Organic Cashew Trees and an expansion plan for an additional 80-hectare plantation in a phased development over the next four years

  • A sugar whole cane sugar processing Factory. Planned semi-automated cashew processing plant for 2021

  • The entire operation has been awarded organic certification by Ecocert (NOP and Europe) and are in process of obtaining Fair for Life/Fair trade and ISO 22000 food grade certification (last quarter 2020).

The Ouro Verde products

The Natural Whole Cane sugar produced by this project differs from crystal sugar in that it is basically dried and clarified whole cane juice that retains all the natural goodness of the plant. It is a specialty sugar with considerable health benefits and has a forecasted strong market growth of over 10% per year in Europe with the northern countries growing at close to 15% per year.

Our sugar contains evaporated first grade sugar cane juice with no additives. It has been produced to provide a specialty sugar with a delicious flavour. It is very nutritional and beneficial to our immune system, bone structure, hair, skin, teeth and digestive system. It can substitute conventional sugar in coffee, tea, baking, drinks and much more. Processing is unique in that it naturally preserves vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that other sugars do not contain.

In comparison to refined white cane sugar, our natural organic whole cane sugar possesses amino acids, minerals (such as Sodium, Magnesium, Calcium and Iron), antioxidants, and different vitamins.

We have named our natural whole cane cane sugar “SUGAR SUGAR KIHAVO”. Kihavo means “’feeling good” in the local language Emakuwa.

The Brand name for the Cashew Kernels that Ouro Verde grows and processes is “CABO CAJU”, which is a well-known brand in Mozambique that was bought by EcoEnergia in 2019. Cabo Caju had a reputation for the highest quality cashew nuts available in Mozambique. CABO CAJU is the only organically certified cashews in Mozambique.

Cashew from Cabo Delgado has a notable advantage in the market in that they are harvested during the dry season, from August to early December. Peak consumption in Europe happens during the Christmas and New Year period where the market growth is high with 2013-2018 showing a 250% growth in sales during this season. 80% of the world production is produced and supplied earlier in the year, putting CABO CAJU in the strategic position of closing a gap in the supply side of the market.

Community Benefit: A producer Cooperative is operating on the farm and supported with training, coaching, management, agricultural inputs and mechanisation by Ouro Verde appointed staff whereby the cooperative members earn income through a 55% of the sales price of the sugar and the cashew. The cooperative has 109 members producing sugar cane and other products at the end of 2020. The community planted area is 80 hectares.

Other community Benefits surrounding the operation through employment directly and indirectly, will help safeguard Ouro Verde's competitive position and ability to expand operations, including diversification in dried mango, moringa, aloe vera barbadensis and green manure and other production activities under organic certification seizing attractive opportunities in adjacent product markets.

Production Program

• At the end of 2020 Ouro Verde will produced 350 tons of sugar and 3 tons of cashews

• By then end of 2021 Ouro Verde will be producing 1,100 Tonnes of organic sugar

• A nursery has been established to expand the cashew trees by planting 20 ha of cropland area per annum

• A distillery with production of 60 000 litres of medicinal alcohol and will be established in August 2020.

• A 1000kg per day semi-automated cashew processing plant will be established at the beginning of 2021

• Fair Trade/Fair for Life and ISO food grade certification is underway and will be achieved in 2020

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